
Why Hydroxychloroquine Is One of the Best Treatments for Lupus

Jul 25, 2024
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Hydroxychloroquine stabilizes lupus symptoms and prevents the severe flares that can lead to hospitalizations and irreversible organ damage. Treatment with this vital medication helps to achieve better health and quality of life.

Lupus, an autoimmune disease that affects various parts of the body, often requires a multifaceted treatment approach to manage its wide-ranging symptoms. Among the available medications, hydroxychloroquine is one of the most effective treatments. 

Sold under the name Plaquenil, hydroxychloroquine is in a medication class known as disease modifying, anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs). These medications are crucial for people living with lupus because they slow down the disease. 

We here at Comprehensive Arthritis Care provide a full range of treatment for rheumatic diseases, including lupus, and our goal is to give patients the best chance at long-lasting remission. 

How hydroxychloroquine manages lupus

Originally developed to treat malaria, hydroxychloroquine has been a cornerstone in lupus therapy for decades, providing numerous benefits that improve the quality of life for patients living with the disease.

Hydroxychloroquine works by regulating the immune system. In lupus, the immune system produces antibodies that attack and damage healthy tissues. Hydroxychloroquine helps to calm this overactive immune response, resulting in less inflammation and preventing flares. 

This immunomodulatory effect is crucial for managing lupus, as it helps to control symptoms without needing high doses of steroids or other immunosuppressants with more severe side effects.

Why hydroxychloroquine is one of the best lupus treatments

Hydroxychloroquine is highly effective at reducing disease activity and preventing the frequency and severity of flares in patients with lupus. Patients taking hydroxychloroquine can have a more stable life with better lupus management. 

Reducing flares is key to preventing long-term damage to organs such as the kidneys, heart, and lungs. Poorly controlled lupus can severely impact these organs over time. 

In addition to controlling flares, hydroxychloroquine improves overall survival rates in lupus patients. Patients who consistently take hydroxychloroquine have a lower risk of severe disease complications and better long-term outcomes. This makes it a critical component of lupus management.

Hydroxychloroquine also offers benefits beyond inflammation control. It positively impacts cholesterol profiles, reducing cholesterol levels and lowering heart disease risk, which is a major concern for lupus patients. 

What’s more, hydroxychloroquine can improve skin and joint symptoms, which are common and often debilitating. 

Long-term use and patient compliance

Compared to other immunosuppressive drugs, hydroxychloroquine is generally well-tolerated. It may cause mild fatigue, and, in rare instances, eye-related effects

Long-term use of hydroxychloroquine is safe and is linked with better disease control, fewer complications, and an improved quality of life. Because it’s well-tolerated, patients with lupus find it easier to stick to their treatment regimen, which is crucial for managing any chronic condition. 

If you or a loved one is newly diagnosed, or if your current treatment plan isn’t adequately controlling your symptoms, it’s essential to explore other treatment options to find the most effective regimen. 

Contact our team at Comprehensive Arthritis Care today to schedule a consultation and learn how hydroxychloroquine can be a part of your lupus management plan.